Car Rental Romania and Bucharest with EuroCars
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Sa sarbatorim Dragobete!

Posted on February 24, 2018

Salutare dragilor,

Another Valentine's day! :))) Dar, astazi, iubim romaneste! Este ziua de Dragobete si sarbatorim romaneste!

Si cum sarbatoresc romanii? Cu bere, tuica, mici, etc...?! Glumesc!

Bine cel putin ca vremea de afara nu ajuta, ca sincer, as vedea pe cate unii cu mici, bere si alte asemenea..

Sa revenim la subiectul zilei, Dragobetele.

Se spune ca Dragobetele ar fi fost fiul Babei Dochia, un fel de Eros, sau Cupidon al nostru, ca o fiin??, parte omeneasc? ?i parte îngereasc?, un june frumos ?i nemuritor, care umbl? în lume ca ?i Sântoaderii ?i Rusalele, dar pe care oamenii nu-l pot vedea, din cauz? c? lumea s-a spurcat cu sudalme ?i f?r?delegi”.

Mai este cunoscut ?i ca zeul dragostei ?i al bunei dispozi?ii, de ziua lui se organizau petreceri, deseori urmate de c?s?torii. El este protectorul ?i aduc?torul iubirii în cas? ?i în suflet”.

Dragobetele mai poate fi întâlnit ?i sub denumirea de „Dragomir”, cunoscut ca un cioban care o înso?e?te pe Baba Dochia în c?l?toriile prin mun?i, dar reprezint? de asemenea ?i o figur? pozitiv?, simbol al prim?verii, iar de ziua lui se s?rb?torea înnoirea firii ?i se preg?tea de prim?var?.

Exista in Romania destul de multe traditii cu acest prilej, dar toate aveau ca tema renasterea, voia buna, iubirea, dansul si bucuria. Un motiv in plus de a sarbatori simbolul Dragobetelui, dupa o iarna grea, mai ales ca aceasta sarbatoare dadea cumva startul venirii primaverii. mai avem nevoie de motive, iubirea ar trebui sarbatorita in fiecare zi , in toate felurile ei.

Prieteni dragi, aveti dezlegare la iubit!

Sa va fie de bine!


Te uita cum ninge Decembre...

Posted on December 18, 2017

Salutare dragilor,

Ei ,da! Te uite cum ninge...chiar ninge si e de-a dreptul superb! Imi place iarna si-mi place exact momentul apropie Sarbatorile cu pasi foarte repezi...(pffai!! cand scriam articol despre vacanta de vara?! Asta ca sa vedem ce repede trece timpul..) si e forfota, se aud colinde, se impacheteaza zeci de cadouri, se impodobesc brazii...e o stare de bine, de sarbatoare, de family moment...

Intr-adevar, Decembrie este luna cadourilor, este cea mai frumoasa perioada din an si cand ninge asa ca-n povesti este pur si simplu incantator. Poti privi doar fetele copiilor si inclusiv ale cainilor care se joaca prin zapada, ca sa intelegi ce inseamna pura fericire. Imi amintesc de mine, cand eram copil...ce incantare era pe capul meu cand ma plimba tata cu sania prin nametii de zapada...ce vremuri...parca a fost secolul  trecut...

In acest articol este despre famile, despre armonie, despre suflet...despre asa cum ar trebui sa fim in fiecare zi din an...buni, respectosi, responsabili, emapatici, calzi, iubitori...caci doar prin iubire si bun simt si responsabilitate putem fi mai buni, mai atenti unuii cu altii...

In secolul vitezei, abia daca ne mai intereseza ce e cu vecinul, sau cine e vecinul...bineinteles ca ati observat ca toata lumea  e aplcata asupra telefonului mobil fie ca e pe strada, in autobus, in metrou, tren, etc...nici nu observam calatorii, statiile...suntem niste roboti ambulanti si atat! Trist. Foarte trist!

Unde-s parintii care se joaca cu copii lor, sau citesc povesti sau lucreaza impreuna la un proiect ? Unde-s copii care fac oamenii de zapada si se alearga si se dau saniile...asa cum o faceam noi?


si...te uite cum ninge Decembre...asa au trecut anii si peste Alifantis si peste Bacovia....

Sa ne bucuram de azi! Sa ne bucuram de aceste Sarbatori, de noi si de ani nostri!

E o luna plina de invataminte , daca stai sa asculti, sa simti, sa luam aminte si sa fim mai oameni in fiece clipa a existentei noastre.

Daca n-ati ajuns la capitolul de impodobit bradutul, va recomand sa incepeti cautarea lui, (daca doriti unul natural, dar v-as recomanda unul artficial :D), si gatirea lui, ca sa-l asteptam cum se cuvine pe Mos Craciun. Caci altfel, cum sa fie Craciun  fara Mos Craciun, nu?

Sa ne fie masa, masa si casa, casa! :)

Sarbatori fericite, dragilor! Sa aveti un Craciun tihnit, cald, luminos si un An 2018 plin cu de toate!

[caption id="attachment_1909" align="alignnone" width="1920"] merry christmas[/caption]

Sa fie asa cum va dorititi voi!

Sa ne auzim cu bine in noul an!

Echipa Eurocars va ureaza din inima,  Sarbatori fericite si un 2018 cu sanatate si prosperitate!


Idei de weekend

Posted on June 02, 2017

Idei de weekend sau ce sa mai vizitam pe langa Bucuresti.

E vara, cel putin calendaristic, e soare si pentru ca e weekend, ar fi pacat sa-l irosim stand la Tv.

Va propun sa inchiriati un BMW cabrio ,care sa va faca iesirea mai speciala si de ce nu mai romantica.

Pe lista mea includ Palatul Mogosoaia, 15km de Bucuresti. Cadrul e unul scos parca din vechile timpuri si te inspira la fiecare pas. Plin de istorie, Palatul -monument este reconditionat si ingrijit, asa cum ar trebui sa fie toate casele monument. Este intr-adevar mai agomerat pe weekend, dar putem trece psete acest mic inconvenient si sa ne bucuram de ce ofera Palatul.

Cladirea a fost construita de Constantin Brancoveanu pe malul stang al raului Colentina in anul 1702, pe care l-a oferit ulterior fiului sau, Stefan. Asa se explica stilul arhitectural – brancovenesc – al palatului, imbinat cu elemente renascentiste, orientale si baroce. Culoarea rosie a caramizii cu care este placat intregul ansamblu, alaturi de verdele parcului si coloritul florilor ii dau un farmec aparte.

Complexul, cuprinde pe langa Palat si Casa de Oaspeti, ridicata de catre Nicolae Bibescu pe locul unui vechi conac de secol XVII, Bucataria Brancoveneasca, Ghetaria, in trecut se pastrau blocuri intregi de gheata taiate din Lacul Mogosoaia. Astazi, spatiul respectiv este folosit pentru expozitii, Turnul Portii, iti sugerez sa te urci in Turn de unde vei avea o priveliste impresionata, Biserica Sf Gheorghe.

Fiind frumos afara, cald, iti poti permite si sa profiti pur si simplu de peisaj, de faptul ca esti inconjurat de istorie si vechi traditii, de natura si de mult verde, de aer mai curat, stand pe iarba din parc,  la un picnic, sau de ce nu... te poti juca un volei sau te poti plimba pe lac.

Pentru o zi de relaxare intr-un ambient special si cu istorie, pentru mine e o varianta castigatoare.

O alta optiune ar fi  Palatul Stirbei, Buftea, 20km de Bucuresti

Cu siguranta ati auzit de el, aici au loc tot felul de evenimente publice sau private, nunti, etc.

In ceea ce-l priveste, parerile sunt impartite. Vegetatia poate nu e la fel de ingrijita ca la Palatul Mogosoaia, nu poti sta pe malul lacului, ca nu e voie, dar palatul in sine merita.

Piesa centrala este bineinteles Palatul Brancovenesc Mogosoaia, care a fost  ridicat de Barbu Stirbey la 1850 sub forma de cula.

In  timp, i s-au mai adaugat alte 2 etaje actualei cladiri si s-au adus o srie de imbunatatiri, in stiul Tudor, (by the way, epoca mea preferata). Ultimele modificari, retusari s-au facut dupa primul razboi mondial si s-au adaugat alte noi spatii de locuit pe partea Sud-Estica.

In vremurile bune, erau la parter o sala de receptie, o sufragerie, o biblioteca, o sala de muzica si un mare salon, Imi si inchipui ce baluri s-au dat in acel salon, ce muzici rasunau si ce toalete se invidiau...

Primul etaj era prin exceptie dedicat stapanilor si cel de-al doilea etaj era folosit de oaspeti.


De vizitat si Capela Sfanta Treime, iar pentru a ajunge  acolo , se trece un pod care traverseaza lacul cu sanse sa vezi si vreo lebada gratioasa si absolut superba.

Campina si Valea Doftanei, Lacul cu Barajul Paltinu, 100km de Bucuresti.

O zona superba si chiar merita sa ajungi pana aici. Poti innopta la Atra Doftana, o super pensiune, un peisaj de-ti taie respiratia si un restaurant cu preparate alese. O destinatia pe care o voi alege oricand daca doresc relaxare si ambient placut.

Cam acestea ar fi alegerile mele pentru un weekend reusit. Bineinteles ca mai sunt multe alte variante de petrecere a timpului, dar le vom mentiona intr-un alt articol.

Pana atunci, drive safe! ;)










Tips for the Service car rental

Posted on October 21, 2011

Tips for the Service car rental

For several years, more people turn to car rental services in Bucharest and other cities. Sometimes people do not know what they should do when you want to rent a car and could get nothing more than what they expected. And to avoid these things, I thought it would be better to give some advice.

Most importantly, before starting to search the car you want is to think about exactly where we need it, how many passengers we have, if we have children, if summer or winter and the list goes on depending on individual needs.

And now to begin.

We chose the location, we know how many passengers we have and in what time we will need a car.

1. The first thing choosing a car rental agency, you can contact our Eurocars agency in major cities  or other agents can search on google.

2. When you start to fill in the form of rental cars to pay attention unless they are charged hidden fees such as late payment penalties, gas prices and more.

3. To be aware that car rental must be presented for the same brand and same model as declared in the rental agreement carefully and check the information given on your vehicle registration and check if they correspond with reality.

4. Sometimes discounts are offered to rent a car, follow these discounts and take advantage of them. Discounts are offered if used for payment by credit card, or loyalty  to certain age, one day to four days free rent, special prices for weekends, holidays or unpaid hours between particular times.

5. If the luggage and group size are small, you can consider a smaller car. If you plan to travel with a large or too bulky luggage, you can rent a minibus.

6. Be careful what kind of car you choose. There can not have the manual and you will not be used with the automatic. Or if it is equipped with child seat, GPS and more.

7. If the trip will be on multiple days or want to leave the Romanian territory,read section  across border rentals, be careful if they are not special provisions for renting cars abroad or if the company will grant this right.

8. Ask for a phone number in an emergency to report a fault, if it will occur, or other problems. Asked how such a problem will be solved.

9. Make sure also that the agent inspects the body in your presence and that will put the agreement in respect of any damage.

10. Before leaving the vehicle, check to make sure you do not have personal items left in the car to be pretty hard to recover once the car was returned.

I hope these tips will guide you and will help you choose the right car for your holiday. Expect more tips or if you had some troubles, let us know, maybe we can then avoid those situations.

Bon voyage!

Rent A Car and drive to Prahova Valley

Posted on December 29, 2010

Discover Bucharest with a rented car from EuroCars Romania

Posted on November 09, 2010

Discover Bucharest with a car rental from EuroCars

» Bucharest is the city of many parks and gardens, surrounded by lakes and forests. During the 1930's its tree-lined boulevards and architecture gave it the nickname 'Little Paris'. Also is famous for its very intensive night life. Romanian people is a latin one and the romanians love to live.

» Usually the arrival location is Bucharest Otopeni International Airport or Bucharest Baneasa Airport.  To see much of Bucharest, the best solution is to rent a car with EuroCars, you can do that by internet the most common and cheap solution, in case you don't know our address: or you can pick up your car from airport. The transfer from airport to your hotel/pension/rental apartment in Bucharest with EastComfort center is taking approx. 30-45 min. After settling in your private hotel room, Bucharest is yours , and we are sure that you will see a new face totally different, showing the rapidly developing of Eastern Europe.

  • Bucharest's museums are for visitors a great attraction, especially the open air Village Museum (1936) in the Herastrau Park. Located in the heart of Bucharest, the museum represents for all Romanians and their foreign guests a sample of the Romanian spirit, a live image of the traditional village, a major expression of our natural art. It is an impressive ethnographic document and of social history. Also, you should not miss the National History Museum, the National Arts Museum and the "Grigore Antipa" Natural History Museum.

  • The Museum of The Romanian Peasant is part of the large family of European Museums for Folk Arts and Traditions. Owner of an impressive collection of objects, even if otherwise poor - as far as the financia point of viewl, the Museum of The Romanian Peasant in spite of all these, has managed to put in practice a special type of museology. The original poetics developped in relation to the object was certain one of the reason why the Museum was awarded the EMYA - European Museum of the Year Award.

  • Nicolae Ceausescu create his "Civic Centre", the center piece of which was a building of monumental proportions - the "House of the People", now the Palace of Parliament.With a total surface aria of 265,000 sq. m., it is the biggest in Europe and the second biggest in the world, after the Pentagon.

  • Bucharest is a true "green capital" of Europe, Bucharest has many verdant oases, such as Cismigiu Park (arranged by Viennese architect F. Meyer), Herastrau Park (on the banks of the lake with the same name, a pleasant spot for recreation and water sports), Carol Park and The Botanical Garden.

Eating & Drinking

  • Food in Romania is very good and cheap if you compare to western prices. It seems expansive for local standard of living. Although international cuisine is available in better quality restaurants, make sure that you savour the local Romanian dishes. Typical Romanian specialities include a range of soup - "ciorba", bacon, potatoes and beef or chiken."

  • "Sarmale" is a spicy dish of bitter cabbage leaves stuffed with meat, and "Mititei" are small grill sausages perfumed with aromatic herbs. A range of excellent white and red Romanian wines of the famous vineyards of Cotnari, Murfatlar, Valea Calugareasca, Odobesti accompany local and international dishes to perfection.

Bucharest Surroundings

  • A short trip offers you the possibility to combine a short sightseeing tour of Bucharest with the surrounding beautiful landscape offered by Snagov Lake and forest embroidered with monasteries and palaces.You can cross Snagov Lake by boat up to an island where you can visit the Snagov Monastery.

Having fun

  • Bucharest offers many possibilities for a night full of fun. There are a lot of bars, night-clubs, casinos, cinemas and cabarets waiting for your choice. And that's not all, there is also a great variety of art exhibitions, concert halls, operas and theatres that would satisfy all tastes. Prices are reasonable and the atmosphere in bars, restaurants and night clubs is welcoming, romanians are warm-hearted people who like to enjoy themselves. Why not join them and have fun?

  • - gambling in bucharest is big business, and it shows with the large amount of casinos some of them are in very beautiful historical buildings, and they often have genuinely good restaurants, open well into the early hours. The most attractive are the Casino Palace, incorporating the Casa Vernescu restaurant, in the Lens-Vernescu palace at Calea Victoriei 133, and the Victoria Casino - One of the older and better known casinos, which also has a dinner show. Gambling is available in both dollars and lei. Drinks are free, and there is no admission charge and Casino Bucharest near Hotel Intercontinental.

  • Clubs&Disco - Of all the wonderful things that Bucharest has to offer, nightlife is not the least of them. There is something for everyone in this town.Like most other things in Bucharest, you often have to travel to find what you really want. Twicehas an overall space of 1.500 sq.m, divided between two floors, each with its distinctive personality, nice music for dancing and drinkingSalsa You and Me - Head to Salsa You and Me for come-one-come-all Latin grooves. Club Maxx is a huge disco popular with the local students. Don't get seperated from your friends you will struggle to find them again. Be prepared for the raunchy shows on the podiums, male and female!

EuroCars Rent A Car Romania