Car Rental Romania and Bucharest with EuroCars
Easy to save money with EuroCars Rent A Car Romania

Welcome in 2018!

Posted on January 15, 2018

Hello dragilor,

Iaca cum trecu 2017...parca nici n-a fost :D si suntem deja in 2018!

Sa fie cum vreti voi! Sa fie cu sanatate, cu voie buna, cu impliniri si reusite!

Sa aveti parte de frumos, de intelegere si liniste si muuulta iubire!

In general, am observat ca trendul in Ianuarie ar fi o vacanta in tarile calde, vacante exotice, cu ape azurii si nisip alb si suna rau, asa-i? Dupa foarte multe mese indestulate si destul de greoaie, asa cum sunt cele traditionale de la noi,  de sarbatori, se cere o detoxifiere in detaliu, o exoticus vacanta!

Va las aici niste posibile atractii...poate cine stie...tenteaza pe cineva...:D

Un ianuarie exotic si fermecator, va doresc!

V-am pupat! pe data viitoare!


Bora Bora





Eu zic ca e de bine...voi ce ziceti?

See ya! ;)

Te uita cum ninge Decembre...

Posted on December 18, 2017

Salutare dragilor,

Ei ,da! Te uite cum ninge...chiar ninge si e de-a dreptul superb! Imi place iarna si-mi place exact momentul apropie Sarbatorile cu pasi foarte repezi...(pffai!! cand scriam articol despre vacanta de vara?! Asta ca sa vedem ce repede trece timpul..) si e forfota, se aud colinde, se impacheteaza zeci de cadouri, se impodobesc brazii...e o stare de bine, de sarbatoare, de family moment...

Intr-adevar, Decembrie este luna cadourilor, este cea mai frumoasa perioada din an si cand ninge asa ca-n povesti este pur si simplu incantator. Poti privi doar fetele copiilor si inclusiv ale cainilor care se joaca prin zapada, ca sa intelegi ce inseamna pura fericire. Imi amintesc de mine, cand eram copil...ce incantare era pe capul meu cand ma plimba tata cu sania prin nametii de zapada...ce vremuri...parca a fost secolul  trecut...

In acest articol este despre famile, despre armonie, despre suflet...despre asa cum ar trebui sa fim in fiecare zi din an...buni, respectosi, responsabili, emapatici, calzi, iubitori...caci doar prin iubire si bun simt si responsabilitate putem fi mai buni, mai atenti unuii cu altii...

In secolul vitezei, abia daca ne mai intereseza ce e cu vecinul, sau cine e vecinul...bineinteles ca ati observat ca toata lumea  e aplcata asupra telefonului mobil fie ca e pe strada, in autobus, in metrou, tren, etc...nici nu observam calatorii, statiile...suntem niste roboti ambulanti si atat! Trist. Foarte trist!

Unde-s parintii care se joaca cu copii lor, sau citesc povesti sau lucreaza impreuna la un proiect ? Unde-s copii care fac oamenii de zapada si se alearga si se dau saniile...asa cum o faceam noi?


si...te uite cum ninge Decembre...asa au trecut anii si peste Alifantis si peste Bacovia....

Sa ne bucuram de azi! Sa ne bucuram de aceste Sarbatori, de noi si de ani nostri!

E o luna plina de invataminte , daca stai sa asculti, sa simti, sa luam aminte si sa fim mai oameni in fiece clipa a existentei noastre.

Daca n-ati ajuns la capitolul de impodobit bradutul, va recomand sa incepeti cautarea lui, (daca doriti unul natural, dar v-as recomanda unul artficial :D), si gatirea lui, ca sa-l asteptam cum se cuvine pe Mos Craciun. Caci altfel, cum sa fie Craciun  fara Mos Craciun, nu?

Sa ne fie masa, masa si casa, casa! :)

Sarbatori fericite, dragilor! Sa aveti un Craciun tihnit, cald, luminos si un An 2018 plin cu de toate!

[caption id="attachment_1909" align="alignnone" width="1920"] merry christmas[/caption]

Sa fie asa cum va dorititi voi!

Sa ne auzim cu bine in noul an!

Echipa Eurocars va ureaza din inima,  Sarbatori fericite si un 2018 cu sanatate si prosperitate!


Ultimul weekend de toamna

Posted on November 24, 2017

Salutare dragilor!

Voi ce-ati numarat toamna asta? Boboci? Vacante? Dorinte? Probleme? Zambete? si lista poate continua..

A fost o toamna linistita, frumoasa si prietenoasa..asta imi amintesc...iar Septembrie foarte generos in temperaturi potrivite mai degraba unei veri tarzii.

In acest ultim weekend de toamna ,sa profitam totusi de soare, de vreme buna si de prieteni si familie.

In State, in acest weekend se sarbatoreste Thanksgiving Day, ziua recunostintei, se multumeste pentru recolta din an. Frumos, nu?

Ziua in care se aduna familia, se canta, se danseaza, se impart bucurii...un eveniment mult asteptat...

Toamna vine cu nostalgie, cu aduceri aminte, cu culori ale pamantului si-ti hraneste sufletul cu poezie si melancolie.

Sa fim recunoscatori pentru tot ce avem, pentru tot ce ne inconjoara, sa fim mai toleranti, mai generosi, mai buni in general...schimbarea incepe cu asa era vorba?

In acest ultim weekend de toamna, imi propun liniste...imi propun o carte buna, imbratisari calde, zambete cu dragoste, un ceai aromat si o lista luuunga pentru Mos! :)))


Ce frumos le spune Nichita cu Alifantis...


Scary movie sau scary night...sau Halloween?

Posted on October 22, 2017

Pai, cam asa...zic eu..


Hello, dragii mei!

Care-i treaba cu Halloween-ul asta? Nu prea mi-am bat capul,ce-i drept, stiu doar ca ne place sa copiem si cum aceasta sarbatoare ni s-a parut "cool", am "imprumutat-o "si pe aceasta de la prietenii deh!

Daca vei cauta pe Wikipedia, sunt acolo cateva informatii cu privire la originea acestei sarbatori, cum ca a fost o sarbatoare celtica, pagana, deci europeana si s-a raspandit prin America datorita imigrantilot irlandezi. Se sarbatoreste pe 31Octombrie si copii se costumeaza in diverse personaje creepy, (dupa parerea mea): vrajitoare, mumii, adica de la printese pana la cranii umblatoare...colindand pe la case întrebând „Trick or Treat?” (P?c?leal? sau dulciuri?), ca o amenin?are c? dac? nu li se dau dulciuri, persoanei colindate i se va juca o fars?. Ca si decoratiunii interioare si mai ales exterioare, cu prilejul acestei sarbatorii, este dovleacul sculptat cu diverse fete: triste, vesele, horror, etc.. imi aduc aminte de placinta bunicii cu dovleac, care era absolut delicioasa de-ti lingeai degetele si pe alte tale si le imprumutai si pe alte vecinului :)))

Halloween-ul asta e o sarbatoare a lumii nocturne, ascunse, fantomelor si spiritelor malefice, dar este pentru copii...Dar, daca i-ai pune sa se uite la un film horror...cum ar fi ? Pariu ca ar fi tragedie :)))

Cred ca am participat o singura data la un astfel de eveniment si nu mi-a lasat un gust amar, dar nici n-am mai fost curioasa sa retraiesc starea...

Era intr-un club mic, asezonat corespunzator sarbatorii, atarnau vrajitoare cu maturoaiele specifice, pisici zburlite si turbate, panze de paianjan si chiar am vazut cateva costume simpatice. Nu, nu m-am costumat!:P

In alta ordine de idei, e doar un alt moment de a sarbatori rau si prinde din ce in ce mai mult si la noi. Un alt mijloc de a iesi intr-un club, bar, prietenii sau sa petreceri niste  freeky time sarbatorind acest eveniment.

Cat de scary poate fi? !


Brasov Trip

Posted on June 29, 2012

Sightseeing tour in Romania the car rental service


Every year we think of a destination that I want to visit, make plans, calculate and budget times, we forget to ask and children if they disagreed with our choice. Some of us choose to travel by train or plane to reduce the time spent on the road, but lost sight of some more important issues.

 Rent a car / rent a car services

First buy four tickets or more up too much travel and so will be to give up other things. The best way to travel with children would be renting a car or rent a minibus.

Even if traveling by car is quite demanding for both adults and children, remain precious memories such as hum some songs together, we can stop during the trip and see some scenery.  Children will be delighted to see a roadside Sheperd with sheep, or a field full of sun flowers and many other things.

Before starting the journey is better to make some preparations. One of them would be to choose the destination and the exact time when we want to go. Then we draw a map, here we can ask help children so they will still love her can watch and track. Luggage and prepare them together, they will be able to give their preferences, to choose their favorite games, toys and all that would make the trip more comfortable.

To make it easier I'll give an example of a route that a family with two children could follow him and in which children, but only they would have learned.

Our journey will begin in Cluj, a brief visit by SibiuSighisoara and Brasov will be the final destination.


First, after I set the destination and departure days will have to look for a place to stay. If the journey will take five days, and one of the nights we spent in Sibiu, Sighisoara and the other, you'd better watch what deals are.

If we make reservations for one of the pensions in Sibiu or hotels in town, you might want to follow and offer discounts or special offers site. If you over looked this and remember only a few days before, there is nothing. We have a chance following offers last minute.

Booking for accommodation is made, luggage ready, perfectly healthy children, and all are eager to hit the road.

Day 1:

We rented the car from Eurocars Cluj, we can ask and child car seat, or DVD player, and certainly anything that we would bring the kids quiet. While we can lead them to watch their favorite cartoon or movie for older kids. It would be advisable to have at hand for car sickness medications or can ask doctor to administer them before the trip, as a precaution.

Hit the road, enthusiastic and always the question in mind: "I got?".

Among the objectives that we could meet during our trip I could tell Cheile Turzii, which will be our little ones observed and passengers. Of course over time will be much more to see.

Once in Sibiu, after I rented a room at a hotels in Sibiu, we can start exploring the city. Everything to be perfect we start with the zoo, which is found in the Astra Museum. Large mills, carts old, rudimentary shelters, clean air and archaic world will lead children in a fairytale land. It is impossible not you love, it's all so fascinating.  And as far back to be not too sudden, walking among the lions, leopards, monkeys, deer, bears and all other creatures will be wonderful. Do not forget to capture these wonderful moments with your children.

After such a busy day, abundant and tasty meal, and then one day sleep will end in a good note.

Day 2:

We start out again, this time our destination will be Sighisoara. How could we pass her? The medieval city has so many things to show. City towers, such as the Clock Tower which houses the History Museum of Sibiu, churches, museums, medieval houses, pupils will complete general education scale both parents and children. If and Medieval Festival period, then make sure that children will want to be princesses or knights. Realm of fairy tale continues.

We find a room for rent in pension Casa cu Cerb, if not already have something booked.

Day 3:

May feel fatigue of two days, but what I have seen so far will be a good opportunity to talk with children. So we know better what has delighted most, what they want to review what they learned new and others.

Arrived in Brasov, we can start a little walk through downtown to stretch our legs. We can visit the Black Church Square and then to climb up on Tampa, where we can admire the entire city.

Around Brasov are many other sights, but the next day will be proper for them to find.

Day 4:

First we go to visit in Poiana Brasov, where we could ascend by cable car to Peak  Postavaru or Peak Cristianu Mare. From here we head to Rasnov where we will see the Dacians and Romans, the soldiers of World War I and we can find the fountain legend.

Then Bran Castle will be eager to show us his rooms, where once lived the Queen Mary. Sandman makes his presence felt as well so we headed to the hotels in Brasov.

Day 5:

Our journey is drawing to an end, and we start off, this time home. Excited but also disappointed that it's over so quickly. Children will dream of what they saw, we will be happy that everything ended well and we will bring joy remember these moments minutes spent with children.

Romania has so much to show and to offer, but if we do not show our children, who will?


Tips for the Service car rental

Posted on October 21, 2011

Tips for the Service car rental

For several years, more people turn to car rental services in Bucharest and other cities. Sometimes people do not know what they should do when you want to rent a car and could get nothing more than what they expected. And to avoid these things, I thought it would be better to give some advice.

Most importantly, before starting to search the car you want is to think about exactly where we need it, how many passengers we have, if we have children, if summer or winter and the list goes on depending on individual needs.

And now to begin.

We chose the location, we know how many passengers we have and in what time we will need a car.

1. The first thing choosing a car rental agency, you can contact our Eurocars agency in major cities  or other agents can search on google.

2. When you start to fill in the form of rental cars to pay attention unless they are charged hidden fees such as late payment penalties, gas prices and more.

3. To be aware that car rental must be presented for the same brand and same model as declared in the rental agreement carefully and check the information given on your vehicle registration and check if they correspond with reality.

4. Sometimes discounts are offered to rent a car, follow these discounts and take advantage of them. Discounts are offered if used for payment by credit card, or loyalty  to certain age, one day to four days free rent, special prices for weekends, holidays or unpaid hours between particular times.

5. If the luggage and group size are small, you can consider a smaller car. If you plan to travel with a large or too bulky luggage, you can rent a minibus.

6. Be careful what kind of car you choose. There can not have the manual and you will not be used with the automatic. Or if it is equipped with child seat, GPS and more.

7. If the trip will be on multiple days or want to leave the Romanian territory,read section  across border rentals, be careful if they are not special provisions for renting cars abroad or if the company will grant this right.

8. Ask for a phone number in an emergency to report a fault, if it will occur, or other problems. Asked how such a problem will be solved.

9. Make sure also that the agent inspects the body in your presence and that will put the agreement in respect of any damage.

10. Before leaving the vehicle, check to make sure you do not have personal items left in the car to be pretty hard to recover once the car was returned.

I hope these tips will guide you and will help you choose the right car for your holiday. Expect more tips or if you had some troubles, let us know, maybe we can then avoid those situations.

Bon voyage!