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Excursie pe Transfagarasan

Posted on July 07, 2011

Excursie pe Transfagarasan

Iti place ceea ce vezi? Iti pui cumva urmatoarele intrebari: unde este? Cum  se poate ajunge? Merita atata interes?

Ca si simplu turist care a hoinarit pe aceste meleaguri iti spun ca DA merita fiecare minut petrecut in aceasta zona superba, merita ca ochii tai sa priveasca in adevaratul sens al cuvantului fiecare fir de iarba, fiecare creasta, fiecare colt de natura care iti incalzeste sufletul de bucurie, iar daca ai sansa poti chiar ajunge sa ramai uimit, intrucat poti gasi inca si zapada in varf.

Dar ca sa nu mai lungim suspansul nu am decat sa-ti recomand Transfagarasanul. Este un loc minunat pentru iubitorii de natura, unde pur si simplu te poti deconecta de viata cotidiana, de zgomotul oraselor, de haosul modern, iar pentru ca sa fie un intreg,

Transfagarasanul reuseste sa imbine adrenalina provocata de drumul anevoios si numeroasele serpentine cu fantasticul. Pot afirma cu tarie ca am trait cel mai frumos sentiment de natura, oferit de asimetria locului , de armonia diferentelor de nivel si a peisajul feeric…..

In cazul in care deja v-ati hotarat sa imbratisati o astfel de experienta as vrea sa specific cateva detalii despre posibilitatea de a ajunge la destinatie. Ca atare sa vorbim putin despre insasi Transfagarasanul, este un drum sau mai bine zis o sosea care intradevar spre surprinderea multora, uneste doua mari regiuni – Muntenia de Ardeal. Insa nu putem sa ne rezumam doar la atat.

Transfagarasanul are una dintre cele mai mari altitudini din Europa, aceasta fiind Caldarea Glaciara Balea si anume 2024 de metri, se intinde pe 2 benzi de circulatie cu o lungime de 92 km, iar pe intregul drum sunt 27 de viaducte si poduri. Intre Capra si Balea se afla cel mai mare tunel din tara 887 m care strabate muntele Paltinul .

In cazul in care inca sunteti indecisi asupra unei asemenea excursii, as vrea sa va povestesc putin din ceea ce am trait si am vazut cu ochii mei. Astfel drumul parcurs de la Brasov pana la poalele Transfagarasanului, aduce insusi multe obiective care pot fi abordate pe aceasta cale.

Dar sa revenim , inca de la poalele Transfagarasanului amutesti de splendoarea naturii, ramai uimit cum de se poate ca la poalele muntilor sa fie primavera iar cand ajungi sus sa fie zapada. Ca sa puteti trai o astfel de experienta va recommand sa sa va aventurati pe la inceputul lui iulie, intrucat veti descoperi suficienta zapada sa va si bulgariti.

Personal cand am ajuns in varf era o vreme foarte mohorata, plina de nori, dar peisajul si in aceste conditii eclipsa vremea; ajungand la la cel mai mare tunel din europa am hotarat sa trecem, si mare ne-a fost mirarea cand am iesit din tunel, parca am fi ajuns in rai, o adevarata splendoare, unde cuvintele sunt de prisos, o adevarata feerie.

Soarele stralucea mai frumos ca oricand, razele soarelui iti incalzeau fiecare particica a trupului, iar peisajul era de nedescris, absolut totul era verde, verdele acela deschis, florile de primavara se zareau pe fiecare culme si vale. Tot ceea ce puteai sa faci in acele momente era sa privesti, si sa iti tiparesti in minte splendoarea naturii.

In concluzie sa raspund la intrebarea “Merita atata interes?” din punctul meu de vedere merita. Si sunt sigura ca oricare dintre voi care se hotaraste sa faca aceasta excursie o sa fie la fel de placut surprins ca si mine.

Astfel fie ca esti turist roman si mergi cu masina personala, fie ca esti turist strain, poti apela in orice momentul la urmatoarele optiuni: inchirieri de masini in Brasov fara sofer sau inchirieri de microbuze din Bucuresti cu sofer. Transfagarasanul este o destinatie pe care nu ai vrea sa o ratezi. Ca si cai de acces este in regula daca alegi Argesi – Sibiu, dar ca sa ramai in adevaratul sens al cuvantului pe deplin satisfacut alege ruta Brasov – Arges. Ca si un itinerariu ce il recomand daca ar fi dupa mine ar fi Bucuresti –Sinaia– Predeal – Brasov – Fagaras – Arges –Bucuresti, si astfel ai acoperit o zona turistica frumoasa de la noi din tara, si apoi raman multe altele de descoperit.

Daca va prinde noaptea pe drum, asa cum patit-o eu, se poate inchiria o camera la pensiunea Cabana Balea Lac.

Înconjurata pe 3 laturi de lacul glaciar Bâlea, aceasta pensiune se afla la 2034 de metri deasupra nivelului marii. Pensiunea ofera camere izolate fonic, cu balcoane si vedere la Muntii Fagaras.

Cabana Bâlea Lac din Avrig este situata la 77 km de Sibiu, iar daca nu mai sunt camere disponibile va puteti caza la un hotel din Sibiu. Este situata pe Drumul Transfagarasan si ofera un bun punct de plecare pentru drumetii la Vârfurile Negoiu (2535 metri) sau Moldoveanu (2544 metri).

Si ca un final care sa te faca sa si zambesti don’t forget to “ Explore the Carpathian Garden” .

Excursion Transfagarasan

Posted on July 07, 2011

Excursion Transfagarasan

Do you like what you see? I somehow put the following questions: where is it? How can we reach? Worth so much interest?

As a simple tourist who wandered these lands you say YES worth every minute spent in this beautiful area, it pays to look in your eyes truly every blade of grass, every ridge, every corner of nature that warms your heart joy, and if you can even get a chance to stay amazed, because you can still find and snow on top.

But suspense is not longer than you I recommend Transfagarasan. It is a great place for nature lovers where you can simply disconnect from everyday life, the noise of the city, the modern chaos, and for that to be a whole

Transfagarasanul manages to combine the adrenaline caused by the many difficult and winding road with the fantastic. I can firmly say that I lived the most beautiful feeling of nature, given the asymmetry of ground-level differences in harmony and wonderful scenery ... ..

If you already decided to embrace this experience I would like some specific details about the opportunity to reach its destination. Therefore to talk a little about herself Transfagarasanul, is a journey, or rather a road that really surprisingly, unites the two main regions - Transylvania -Wallachia. But we can not just about that.

Transfagarasanul has one of the highest altitudes in Europe, which is Caldarea Balea Glacial namely 2024 meters, lies on two lanes with a length of 92 km, and the entire road are 27 viaducts and bridges. Between Capra and Balea is the largest in the country 887 m tunnel that crosses the mountain Paltinul.

If you are still undecided on such trips, I want to tell you a little of what I experienced and saw with my own eyes. This way we went to Brasov to foot Transfagarasan brings itself several objectives that can be addressed this way.

But to return, since the foot Transfagarasan steals over all the splendor of nature, It is amazing how can that be spring at the foot of the mountain top and you get to be snow. As you can live that experience will recommand it to venture on in early July, as you will find enough snow.

Personally when I reached the summit since it was a very gloomy and full of clouds, but the landscape in these conditions the eclipse time, reaching the highest tunnel in Europe I decided to go, and great was our surprise when we came out tunnel, if we have reached to heaven, a true splendor, where words are superfluous, a true romance.

The sun shone most beautiful ever, toasty sunshine every part of your body, and the scenery was incredible, everything was green, light green one, the flowers of spring is the horizon on every ridge and valley. Everything you could do in those moments was to watch, and print your natural beauty in mind.

In conclusion, to answer the question "He deserves so much interest?" From my point of view deserves. And I'm sure any of you that decided to make this trip will be as surprised as me.

So whether you're a tourist and go by car novel, whether a foreign tourist and rent a car with EuroCars from Brasov or rent a minibus from Bucharest, Transfagarasanul is a destination that you did not want to miss. As access roads is fine if you choose Arges - Sibiu, but to stay in the true sense of the word fully satisfied with the route choice Brasov - Arges. Like what you recommend an itinerary for me if it would be in Bucharest-Sinaia-Predeal - Brasov - Fagaras - Arges, Bucharest, and thus covered an area of  tourism in our beautiful country, and then many others remain to be discovered.

If you catch the night on the road, as it happened I can  rent a room at pension  Cabana Balea Lac.

Surrounded on three sides by Balea glacial lake, this hostel is located at 2034 meters above sea level. Pension offers soundproofed rooms with balconies overlooking the Fagaras Mountains.

Cabana Balea Lac in Avrig is located at 77 km from Sibiu,and if you take the road at night you can staying at a hotel in Sibiu. It is situated on the road Transfagarasan and offers a good starting point for hiking to the peaks Negoiu (2535 meters) and Moldoveanu (2544 m).

And finally to make you smile and do not foget to "Explore the Carpathian Garden.