Inchirieri Auto, Rent A Car in Romania cu EuroCars
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Sfaturi utile pentru servicile de inchirieri auto

Posted on August 21, 2011

Sfaturi utile pentru servicile de inchirieri auto

De cativa ani buni, tot mai multe persoane apeleaza la serviciile de rent a car din Bucuresti sau alte orase. Uneori, oamenii nu stiu ce anume ar trebui sa faca atunci cand vor sa inchirieze o masina si ar putea sa primeasca altceva decat ceea ce s-au asteptat. Iar pentru a evita aceste lucruri m-am gandit ca ar fi bine sa va dau  niste sfaturi.

Cel mai important inainte de a incepe sa cautam masina dorita e sa ne gandim unde anume avem nevoie de ea, cati pasageri vom avea, daca avem copii, daca e vara sau iarna si lista poate continua in functie de necesitatiile fiecaruia.

Iar acum sa incepem.

Am ales locatia, stim cati pasageri vom avea si si in ce perioada vom avea nevoie de o masina.

1.Primul lucru alegerea unei agentii de inchirieri auto, puteti apela la serviciul de inchirieri auto prin eurocars sau puteti cauta pe google alte agentii.

2.Atunci cand incepeti sa completati formularul de inchiriere a masini, sa fiti atenti daca nu cumva sunt percepute taxe ascunse cum ar fi: penalitati de intarziere sau altele.

3. Sa fiti atenti ca masina prezentata spre inchiriere trebuie sa fie aceeasi marca si acelasi model cu cea declarata in contractul de inchiriere si sa verificati cu atentie datele inscrise pe talonul masinii si verificati daca acestea corespund cu realitatea .

4.Uneori sunt oferite reduceri la inchirieri auto, urmariti aceste reduceri si profitati de ele. Reducerile sunt oferite daca e folosita plata cu cardul de credit, sau la fidelizare, pentru anumite categorii de varste,  o zi gratis la patru zile de inchiriere, preturi speciale pentru weekend, sarbatori legale sau ore netarifate intre anumite intervale orare.

5. În cazul în care bagajele si marimea grupului sunt mici, puteti lua în considerare o masina mai mica. Daca aveti de gând sa calatoriti cu un grup mare sau bagajele sunt prea voluminoase,  puteti apela la serviciile de inchirieri microbuze.

6. Aveti grija ce fel de masina alegeti. Exista posibilitatea sa nu aiba schimbator manual si sa nu fiti obisnuiti cu cel automat. Sau daca e dotata cu  scaun de copil, GPS si altele.

7.  Daca calatoria va fi pe mai multe zile sau doriti sa parasiti teritoriul Romaniei , sa fiti atenti daca nu sunt clauze speciale pentru inchirierea masini in afara tarii sau daca firma va acorda acest drept.

8. Cereti un numar de telefon in caz de urgenta pentru a anunta o defectiune, in caz ca va aparea, sau pentru alte probleme. Intrebati despre cum va fi solutionata o asemenea problema.

9. Asigura-te de asemenea ca agentul inspecteaza caroseria in prezenta ta si ca va puneti de acord cu privire la orice daune.

10. Inainte de a parasi vehiculul, verifica, pentru a fi sigur ca nu ai lasat in masina obiecte personale care vor fi destul de greu de recuperate, o data ce masina a fost returnata.

Sper ca sfaturile acestea va vor ghida si va vor ajuta sa alegeti masina potrivita pentru vacanta dumneavoastra.Astept si alte sfaturi sau daca ati avut parte de unele neplaceri, impartasitini-le, poate vom putea astfel evita acele situatii.

Drum bun!


Posted on August 16, 2011


If you are happened around Brasov, the list goes sightseeing and Rasnov.

Rasnov Fortress

Situated on the Brasov-Rucar-Campulung, Rasnov is one of the best preserved peasant fortress of Transylvania, traveling by car or using the services of rent a car Brasov, is easily reached.

Rasnov called "Fortress" as the main occupation was agricutura builders.

Simple architectural style, building houses close to normal, adapted to strengthening and preserving medieval atmosphere and now after 500 years of existence, you implement in the time of our forebears.

Since its entry into the city welcomes you with horse tournaments, sword fights between knights, fighting knights, archery, spearthrowing, handling swords, fight hand to capture the beautiful princess supreme, which reproduces better the time long past.

The show attracts the attention of both children and adults, each dreaming it is one of those who wants to conquer the beautiful princess.

But the city still has much to offer, the user will present a brief history of the city, will mention the 30 houses within the enclosure designed to give shelter to the inhabitants of the settlement or their property.

Since they mention school, chapel and priest's house.

There were "hosted" in 1600 troops of Mihai Viteazu and his wife Mrs. Stanca after the defeat of Miraslau.

Inside the fortress can visit the art museum so they are exposed feudal armor, weapons, galleries, old furniture, specific ports century but also some more unusual items for our time, but common in the seventeenth century and eighteenth-century century, such as a mask of torture and a yoke for transporting prisoners.

You can also try archery or skill in one of the goals of the paper. You can buy many souvenirs, jewelry semi-precious stones, art objects or books with reference to local history and traditions.

Tourists who want to offer something the city could plant in a small square in the courtyard rose a thread. Instead, his name will remain written on a plate, planted with flowers.

Legend Fountain

And just as all buildings are shrouded by a mystery or a legend, so is Rasnov, Legend says Fountain.

Fountain of the city, 146 meters deep, was dug between 1625-1640.

About this fountain there are a legend similar to the Corvin Castle, namely, that during a siege, the people put two Turkish prisoners to dig a well in the middle of the city to be let go. Prisoners dug wells for 15 years, during which verses from the Koran written on its walls. In fact, it was arranged by craftsmen hired by the Germans Rasnov. The fountain was used until 1850, when the wheel was abandoned due to breakage.

Program visit

Rasnov can visit:

Daily between the hours: 09:00-19:00

Entry fee: 10 lei - adults

5 lei - Children 7-18 years

Camera fee: free

Binoculars chips (set in place of the observation of the Fortress) - 2 lei

And if you lose track of time, and I caught at night on the road, I recommend you stop at one of the hotels in Brasov, or you can rent a room at one of  pensions in Brasov.

The next day you can visit around the city, visiting the Evangelical Church with murals dating from the sixteenth century and Rasnoavei Gorge where you can do bungee jumping, rappel descent, to drive an ATV or climb.

Diana riding center

After walking in the city center you can relax at Diana riding, enjoying the attention of staff, stunningly beautiful landscapes andswirling ridges and watery eyes, mysterious eyes will follow and will awaken your desire to master and tame.

The farm has horses for pleasure, Lipizzaner and their half-breeds, ponies, Arabs and their half-breeds, in a wide variety of colors.

May not linger, you will relax and spend a wonderful time in an atmosphere that not only can meet the Rasnov.
