Car Rental Romania and Bucharest with EuroCars
IMAG RENT Car Rental Agency: Read about their experiences
Cars with Driver Bus & Tours Airport Shuttles
Why Eurocars?
Reduce Excess To Zero, Care Free we offer the lowest excess , zero excess with full protection
Lowest Insurance, Save Money direct insurance from provider no extra protection at desk
15 Years Experience express satisfaction for well run services
1. Cleanliness - is an essential aspect for customer comfort and satisfaction, reflecting the care and attention offered by the rental company.
2. Comfort - of a rental car is a crucial aspect for the customer experience influencing the level of pleasure and satisfaction during the journey.
3. Pick-up/Drop-off - represent the initial and final stages of the car rental experience and have a significant impact on creating a pleasant and hassle-free experience.
4. Quality/Price Ratio - is one of the key factors and involves careful analysis of the car's features in relation to the rental service cost.

Imag Rent Recenzii

Value for money

Clients Evaluation

Rating 10.0/10
Ghinescu A.
rented in 24.10.2023
Foarte multumit! Livrare rapida, personal serviabil, autoturism cu dotari multiple fata de majoritatea de pe piata de inchirieri auto (clar un punct forte).
Rating 10.0/10
Vasile V.
rented in 30.09.2023
Our first time renting a car in Romania, we are delighted to let you all featured costumers that we don’t have any bad things to say about IMAG, everything was perfect from the moment that we picked up the car till the moment that we dropped the car, and we recommend them to anyone that needs a car rental during their stay in Romania, thank you IMAG for everything and we wait to use your service again, al the best !!
Rating 10.0/10
Margus K.
rented in 29.09.2023
Perfect service!
Rating 10.0/10
Ana S.
rented in 11.09.2023
Radu mulțumesc pentru serviciu ce mi l-ai dat
Rating 10.0/10
Ghinescu A.
rented in 06.09.2023
Experienta excelenta cu IMAG RENT. Foarte prompți și serviabili.
Rating 10.0/10
Florea C.
rented in 03.09.2023
Rating 10.0/10
George T.
rented in 03.09.2023
Am ramas placut surprins de serviciile si personalul,din toate punctele de vedere. In special apreciez felul in care domnul Ionut si Radu au raspuns si rezolvat rapid si profesional la toate intrbarile si solicitarile facute.Multumesc mult. Sigur voi apela si in viitor la serviciile companiei IMAG RENT.
Rating 10.0/10
Stefan N.
rented in 31.08.2023
Servicii excelente! Felicitari
Rating 10.0/10
rented in 31.08.2023
Buna ziua, foarte multumiti ptr serviciul acordat, iar domnul Radu foarte educat si foarte atent cu noi, multumim
Rating 10.0/10
Ioan P.
rented in 22.08.2023
Excellent experience with IMAG Otopeni Airport in Bucharest, from initial booking to delivery and return. I was particularly impressed with their communication and flexibility - due to a flight delay and baggage extension I needed more time. Pick up and drop off from the airport was seamless, communicating via WhatsApp. The car was new and the representative, Erique, very friendly, efficient and helpful. I have no hesitation in recommending IMAG to anyone and will definitely rent a car from them next year.