Car Rental Romania and Bucharest with EuroCars
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Welcome in 2018!

Posted on January 15, 2018

Hello dragilor,

Iaca cum trecu 2017...parca nici n-a fost :D si suntem deja in 2018!

Sa fie cum vreti voi! Sa fie cu sanatate, cu voie buna, cu impliniri si reusite!

Sa aveti parte de frumos, de intelegere si liniste si muuulta iubire!

In general, am observat ca trendul in Ianuarie ar fi o vacanta in tarile calde, vacante exotice, cu ape azurii si nisip alb si suna rau, asa-i? Dupa foarte multe mese indestulate si destul de greoaie, asa cum sunt cele traditionale de la noi,  de sarbatori, se cere o detoxifiere in detaliu, o exoticus vacanta!

Va las aici niste posibile atractii...poate cine stie...tenteaza pe cineva...:D

Un ianuarie exotic si fermecator, va doresc!

V-am pupat! pe data viitoare!


Bora Bora





Eu zic ca e de bine...voi ce ziceti?

See ya! ;)

Idei de weekend

Posted on June 02, 2017

Idei de weekend sau ce sa mai vizitam pe langa Bucuresti.

E vara, cel putin calendaristic, e soare si pentru ca e weekend, ar fi pacat sa-l irosim stand la Tv.

Va propun sa inchiriati un BMW cabrio ,care sa va faca iesirea mai speciala si de ce nu mai romantica.

Pe lista mea includ Palatul Mogosoaia, 15km de Bucuresti. Cadrul e unul scos parca din vechile timpuri si te inspira la fiecare pas. Plin de istorie, Palatul -monument este reconditionat si ingrijit, asa cum ar trebui sa fie toate casele monument. Este intr-adevar mai agomerat pe weekend, dar putem trece psete acest mic inconvenient si sa ne bucuram de ce ofera Palatul.

Cladirea a fost construita de Constantin Brancoveanu pe malul stang al raului Colentina in anul 1702, pe care l-a oferit ulterior fiului sau, Stefan. Asa se explica stilul arhitectural – brancovenesc – al palatului, imbinat cu elemente renascentiste, orientale si baroce. Culoarea rosie a caramizii cu care este placat intregul ansamblu, alaturi de verdele parcului si coloritul florilor ii dau un farmec aparte.

Complexul, cuprinde pe langa Palat si Casa de Oaspeti, ridicata de catre Nicolae Bibescu pe locul unui vechi conac de secol XVII, Bucataria Brancoveneasca, Ghetaria, in trecut se pastrau blocuri intregi de gheata taiate din Lacul Mogosoaia. Astazi, spatiul respectiv este folosit pentru expozitii, Turnul Portii, iti sugerez sa te urci in Turn de unde vei avea o priveliste impresionata, Biserica Sf Gheorghe.

Fiind frumos afara, cald, iti poti permite si sa profiti pur si simplu de peisaj, de faptul ca esti inconjurat de istorie si vechi traditii, de natura si de mult verde, de aer mai curat, stand pe iarba din parc,  la un picnic, sau de ce nu... te poti juca un volei sau te poti plimba pe lac.

Pentru o zi de relaxare intr-un ambient special si cu istorie, pentru mine e o varianta castigatoare.

O alta optiune ar fi  Palatul Stirbei, Buftea, 20km de Bucuresti

Cu siguranta ati auzit de el, aici au loc tot felul de evenimente publice sau private, nunti, etc.

In ceea ce-l priveste, parerile sunt impartite. Vegetatia poate nu e la fel de ingrijita ca la Palatul Mogosoaia, nu poti sta pe malul lacului, ca nu e voie, dar palatul in sine merita.

Piesa centrala este bineinteles Palatul Brancovenesc Mogosoaia, care a fost  ridicat de Barbu Stirbey la 1850 sub forma de cula.

In  timp, i s-au mai adaugat alte 2 etaje actualei cladiri si s-au adus o srie de imbunatatiri, in stiul Tudor, (by the way, epoca mea preferata). Ultimele modificari, retusari s-au facut dupa primul razboi mondial si s-au adaugat alte noi spatii de locuit pe partea Sud-Estica.

In vremurile bune, erau la parter o sala de receptie, o sufragerie, o biblioteca, o sala de muzica si un mare salon, Imi si inchipui ce baluri s-au dat in acel salon, ce muzici rasunau si ce toalete se invidiau...

Primul etaj era prin exceptie dedicat stapanilor si cel de-al doilea etaj era folosit de oaspeti.


De vizitat si Capela Sfanta Treime, iar pentru a ajunge  acolo , se trece un pod care traverseaza lacul cu sanse sa vezi si vreo lebada gratioasa si absolut superba.

Campina si Valea Doftanei, Lacul cu Barajul Paltinu, 100km de Bucuresti.

O zona superba si chiar merita sa ajungi pana aici. Poti innopta la Atra Doftana, o super pensiune, un peisaj de-ti taie respiratia si un restaurant cu preparate alese. O destinatia pe care o voi alege oricand daca doresc relaxare si ambient placut.

Cam acestea ar fi alegerile mele pentru un weekend reusit. Bineinteles ca mai sunt multe alte variante de petrecere a timpului, dar le vom mentiona intr-un alt articol.

Pana atunci, drive safe! ;)










Pierderi, nu doar castig

Posted on March 24, 2014

Analizand situatia economica a firmelor de rent a car se observa ca anual firmele de rent a car pierd foarte multi bani datorita daunelor si futurilor de masini.

Un hot fura chiar si 4-5 masini pe saptamana de la diferite companii "rent a car". In replica, firmele si-au facut o "lista neagra", in care sunt trecuti toti clientii care "uita" sa returneze masinile, le lovesc sau fura rotile de rezerva. Astfel, cei trecuti pe lista aceasta, lista disponibila online, nu mai au acces la inchiriatul masinilor.

Tot mai multe firme care inchiriaza masini se plang ca inregistreaza daune majore din cauza clientilor care ori vandalizeaza autoturismele, ori sunt adevarati hoti profesionisti. Mecanismul prin care hotii fura masini de la companiile "rent a car" este simplu. Acestia merg la sediul firmelor, prezinta acte false sau chiar pe cele proprii, inchiriaza o masina, iar mai apoi "uita" sa o returneze.

O firma rent a car pierde, anual, intre 50.000 si 100.000 de euro, fiindu-i furate cel putin 4-5 masini.

In afara de cei care fura masini sau le vand, unii clienti amaneteaza masinile, lasandu-le pe mana camatarilor. Altii le vandalizeaza, fura rotile de rezerva, trusele de prim-ajutor si cricul, insa cei mai multi le lovesc, nu platesc amenzile (datorate in special radarele) sau prelungesc perioada de inchiriere, apoi nu mai platesc.

In general, s-a observat ca se fura doar masinile scumpe, masini de peste 20.000 de euro. In acest caz companiile efectueaza nenumarate plangeri la politie, adesea fara nici un rezultat. Astfel multe companii recurg la inchirierea autoturismelor catre persoanele cu domiciliul in judetul de resedinta al firmei. Legea incadreaza acest fapt la abuz de incredere, dar companiile il considera furt. El reprezinta o dauna, contravaloarea nefiind restituita, nici macar partial, de societ??ile de asigurare, desi se platesc asigurarile Casco mult mai scumpe decat normal.

Acest lucru se datoreaza faptului ca în Romania legea nu  sprijina firmele de rent a car si considera furtul ca fiind ”abuz de incredere”.

Firmele de rent a car inregistreaza pierderi considerabile in momentul in care o masina este furata, iar acesti bani nu vor fi recuperati sub nici o forma; de aceea prin infiintarea unei asociatii aceasta problema poate disparea.

Asociatia ARCAR doreste sa rezolve aceasta problema cu legea ”abuzului de incredere” asa

cum au reusit si alte asociatii în tarile vecine.

Brasov Trip

Posted on June 29, 2012

Sightseeing tour in Romania the car rental service


Every year we think of a destination that I want to visit, make plans, calculate and budget times, we forget to ask and children if they disagreed with our choice. Some of us choose to travel by train or plane to reduce the time spent on the road, but lost sight of some more important issues.

 Rent a car / rent a car services

First buy four tickets or more up too much travel and so will be to give up other things. The best way to travel with children would be renting a car or rent a minibus.

Even if traveling by car is quite demanding for both adults and children, remain precious memories such as hum some songs together, we can stop during the trip and see some scenery.  Children will be delighted to see a roadside Sheperd with sheep, or a field full of sun flowers and many other things.

Before starting the journey is better to make some preparations. One of them would be to choose the destination and the exact time when we want to go. Then we draw a map, here we can ask help children so they will still love her can watch and track. Luggage and prepare them together, they will be able to give their preferences, to choose their favorite games, toys and all that would make the trip more comfortable.

To make it easier I'll give an example of a route that a family with two children could follow him and in which children, but only they would have learned.

Our journey will begin in Cluj, a brief visit by SibiuSighisoara and Brasov will be the final destination.


First, after I set the destination and departure days will have to look for a place to stay. If the journey will take five days, and one of the nights we spent in Sibiu, Sighisoara and the other, you'd better watch what deals are.

If we make reservations for one of the pensions in Sibiu or hotels in town, you might want to follow and offer discounts or special offers site. If you over looked this and remember only a few days before, there is nothing. We have a chance following offers last minute.

Booking for accommodation is made, luggage ready, perfectly healthy children, and all are eager to hit the road.

Day 1:

We rented the car from Eurocars Cluj, we can ask and child car seat, or DVD player, and certainly anything that we would bring the kids quiet. While we can lead them to watch their favorite cartoon or movie for older kids. It would be advisable to have at hand for car sickness medications or can ask doctor to administer them before the trip, as a precaution.

Hit the road, enthusiastic and always the question in mind: "I got?".

Among the objectives that we could meet during our trip I could tell Cheile Turzii, which will be our little ones observed and passengers. Of course over time will be much more to see.

Once in Sibiu, after I rented a room at a hotels in Sibiu, we can start exploring the city. Everything to be perfect we start with the zoo, which is found in the Astra Museum. Large mills, carts old, rudimentary shelters, clean air and archaic world will lead children in a fairytale land. It is impossible not you love, it's all so fascinating.  And as far back to be not too sudden, walking among the lions, leopards, monkeys, deer, bears and all other creatures will be wonderful. Do not forget to capture these wonderful moments with your children.

After such a busy day, abundant and tasty meal, and then one day sleep will end in a good note.

Day 2:

We start out again, this time our destination will be Sighisoara. How could we pass her? The medieval city has so many things to show. City towers, such as the Clock Tower which houses the History Museum of Sibiu, churches, museums, medieval houses, pupils will complete general education scale both parents and children. If and Medieval Festival period, then make sure that children will want to be princesses or knights. Realm of fairy tale continues.

We find a room for rent in pension Casa cu Cerb, if not already have something booked.

Day 3:

May feel fatigue of two days, but what I have seen so far will be a good opportunity to talk with children. So we know better what has delighted most, what they want to review what they learned new and others.

Arrived in Brasov, we can start a little walk through downtown to stretch our legs. We can visit the Black Church Square and then to climb up on Tampa, where we can admire the entire city.

Around Brasov are many other sights, but the next day will be proper for them to find.

Day 4:

First we go to visit in Poiana Brasov, where we could ascend by cable car to Peak  Postavaru or Peak Cristianu Mare. From here we head to Rasnov where we will see the Dacians and Romans, the soldiers of World War I and we can find the fountain legend.

Then Bran Castle will be eager to show us his rooms, where once lived the Queen Mary. Sandman makes his presence felt as well so we headed to the hotels in Brasov.

Day 5:

Our journey is drawing to an end, and we start off, this time home. Excited but also disappointed that it's over so quickly. Children will dream of what they saw, we will be happy that everything ended well and we will bring joy remember these moments minutes spent with children.

Romania has so much to show and to offer, but if we do not show our children, who will?


Taxe suplimentare pe langa pretul de inchiriere

Posted on November 07, 2011

Tips for the Service car rental

Posted on October 21, 2011

Tips for the Service car rental

For several years, more people turn to car rental services in Bucharest and other cities. Sometimes people do not know what they should do when you want to rent a car and could get nothing more than what they expected. And to avoid these things, I thought it would be better to give some advice.

Most importantly, before starting to search the car you want is to think about exactly where we need it, how many passengers we have, if we have children, if summer or winter and the list goes on depending on individual needs.

And now to begin.

We chose the location, we know how many passengers we have and in what time we will need a car.

1. The first thing choosing a car rental agency, you can contact our Eurocars agency in major cities  or other agents can search on google.

2. When you start to fill in the form of rental cars to pay attention unless they are charged hidden fees such as late payment penalties, gas prices and more.

3. To be aware that car rental must be presented for the same brand and same model as declared in the rental agreement carefully and check the information given on your vehicle registration and check if they correspond with reality.

4. Sometimes discounts are offered to rent a car, follow these discounts and take advantage of them. Discounts are offered if used for payment by credit card, or loyalty  to certain age, one day to four days free rent, special prices for weekends, holidays or unpaid hours between particular times.

5. If the luggage and group size are small, you can consider a smaller car. If you plan to travel with a large or too bulky luggage, you can rent a minibus.

6. Be careful what kind of car you choose. There can not have the manual and you will not be used with the automatic. Or if it is equipped with child seat, GPS and more.

7. If the trip will be on multiple days or want to leave the Romanian territory,read section  across border rentals, be careful if they are not special provisions for renting cars abroad or if the company will grant this right.

8. Ask for a phone number in an emergency to report a fault, if it will occur, or other problems. Asked how such a problem will be solved.

9. Make sure also that the agent inspects the body in your presence and that will put the agreement in respect of any damage.

10. Before leaving the vehicle, check to make sure you do not have personal items left in the car to be pretty hard to recover once the car was returned.

I hope these tips will guide you and will help you choose the right car for your holiday. Expect more tips or if you had some troubles, let us know, maybe we can then avoid those situations.

Bon voyage!

Sfaturi utile pentru servicile de inchirieri auto

Posted on August 21, 2011

Sfaturi utile pentru servicile de inchirieri auto

De cativa ani buni, tot mai multe persoane apeleaza la serviciile de rent a car din Bucuresti sau alte orase. Uneori, oamenii nu stiu ce anume ar trebui sa faca atunci cand vor sa inchirieze o masina si ar putea sa primeasca altceva decat ceea ce s-au asteptat. Iar pentru a evita aceste lucruri m-am gandit ca ar fi bine sa va dau  niste sfaturi.

Cel mai important inainte de a incepe sa cautam masina dorita e sa ne gandim unde anume avem nevoie de ea, cati pasageri vom avea, daca avem copii, daca e vara sau iarna si lista poate continua in functie de necesitatiile fiecaruia.

Iar acum sa incepem.

Am ales locatia, stim cati pasageri vom avea si si in ce perioada vom avea nevoie de o masina.

1.Primul lucru alegerea unei agentii de inchirieri auto, puteti apela la serviciul de inchirieri auto prin eurocars sau puteti cauta pe google alte agentii.

2.Atunci cand incepeti sa completati formularul de inchiriere a masini, sa fiti atenti daca nu cumva sunt percepute taxe ascunse cum ar fi: penalitati de intarziere sau altele.

3. Sa fiti atenti ca masina prezentata spre inchiriere trebuie sa fie aceeasi marca si acelasi model cu cea declarata in contractul de inchiriere si sa verificati cu atentie datele inscrise pe talonul masinii si verificati daca acestea corespund cu realitatea .

4.Uneori sunt oferite reduceri la inchirieri auto, urmariti aceste reduceri si profitati de ele. Reducerile sunt oferite daca e folosita plata cu cardul de credit, sau la fidelizare, pentru anumite categorii de varste,  o zi gratis la patru zile de inchiriere, preturi speciale pentru weekend, sarbatori legale sau ore netarifate intre anumite intervale orare.

5. În cazul în care bagajele si marimea grupului sunt mici, puteti lua în considerare o masina mai mica. Daca aveti de gând sa calatoriti cu un grup mare sau bagajele sunt prea voluminoase,  puteti apela la serviciile de inchirieri microbuze.

6. Aveti grija ce fel de masina alegeti. Exista posibilitatea sa nu aiba schimbator manual si sa nu fiti obisnuiti cu cel automat. Sau daca e dotata cu  scaun de copil, GPS si altele.

7.  Daca calatoria va fi pe mai multe zile sau doriti sa parasiti teritoriul Romaniei , sa fiti atenti daca nu sunt clauze speciale pentru inchirierea masini in afara tarii sau daca firma va acorda acest drept.

8. Cereti un numar de telefon in caz de urgenta pentru a anunta o defectiune, in caz ca va aparea, sau pentru alte probleme. Intrebati despre cum va fi solutionata o asemenea problema.

9. Asigura-te de asemenea ca agentul inspecteaza caroseria in prezenta ta si ca va puneti de acord cu privire la orice daune.

10. Inainte de a parasi vehiculul, verifica, pentru a fi sigur ca nu ai lasat in masina obiecte personale care vor fi destul de greu de recuperate, o data ce masina a fost returnata.

Sper ca sfaturile acestea va vor ghida si va vor ajuta sa alegeti masina potrivita pentru vacanta dumneavoastra.Astept si alte sfaturi sau daca ati avut parte de unele neplaceri, impartasitini-le, poate vom putea astfel evita acele situatii.

Drum bun!

How to wish a Happy New Year to all our EuroCars customers, taking in consideration their own language and nationality?

Posted on July 10, 2011

Because we want you all to be happy, we will do our best and start writing in English, this being the main international way to communicate between us. To our Romanian compatriots we wish as it follows:

Va multumim pentru ca ati fost alaturi de noi in 2010, si speram sa apelati la serviciile noastre de inchirieri masini si in anul ce a inceput. Va uram "La multi ani ! ", sa ne bucuram de noul an, care speram sa fie prosper, sa ne aduca sanatate si fericire,  si sa ne fie mai bine ca in 2010, cred ca asta ne dorim cu totii ! Intreaga echipa EuroCars Rent A Car va ureaza un An nou Fericit !! "

Pour les clients qui viennent de France ou de n'importe quel autre pays ou on parle le Français, nous, l'équipe d'EuroCars Roumanie, vous remercions pour avoir choisi nos services durant l'année 2010, et bien sur, nous restons ici, ou vous savez nous trouver, pour satisfaire vos exigences aussi en 2011. Bonne Année !! avec beaucoup de satisfactions ... matérielles, spirituelles, celles que vous désirez le plus!

Da parte da Eurocars Romania, vogliamo trasmettere i migliori auguri di Nuovo Anno!

Ringraziamo a tutti nostri clienti, per aver scelto EuroCars come soluzione per il viaggio fatto in questo paese in 2010. Speriamo che i nostri servizi hanno riuscito a soddisfare le Vostre richieste e per sicuro che vogliamo essere la Vostra scelta per il noleggio auto anche in 2011.

Felice Anno Nuovo per tutti... con la speranza che il Nuovo Anno porterà solo pace, bontà e prosperità. Grazie per 2010 e benvenuto 2011 - Anno di soddisfazioni!

Para nuestros amigos Españoles, gracias por estar sido como en cada ano, junto a Eurocars, nuestros clientes de corazón :)

Deseamos que encuentran en este nuevo año, la felicidad (por los que la necesitan), salud, amor, dinero, paz y todo lo que necesitan.

Nosotros nos quedamos aquí, donde saben encontrar nos, siempre disponibles para hacer buenos negocios juntos. FELIZ 2011 !!!

For sure, to the majority of our clients, we would like to address our best wishes in English. Thank you all for choosing us, thus making EuroCars a reliable partner and a good rent a car provider, increasing the confidence of new clients in our services by giving good recommendations, sharing good opinions, always being honest with us no matter if your point of view was different than ours. We have been here, and are here for you, because we want to keep close our past, present and future clients and make them our own.

Happy New Year to you all ! May this new year be the one that you've been waiting for ... full of opportunities, of good chance, prosperity, peace, serenity, health and love.

Welcome 2011 !!!

EuroCars Rent A Car Romania Team 2011

Excursion Transfagarasan

Posted on July 07, 2011

Excursion Transfagarasan

Do you like what you see? I somehow put the following questions: where is it? How can we reach? Worth so much interest?

As a simple tourist who wandered these lands you say YES worth every minute spent in this beautiful area, it pays to look in your eyes truly every blade of grass, every ridge, every corner of nature that warms your heart joy, and if you can even get a chance to stay amazed, because you can still find and snow on top.

But suspense is not longer than you I recommend Transfagarasan. It is a great place for nature lovers where you can simply disconnect from everyday life, the noise of the city, the modern chaos, and for that to be a whole

Transfagarasanul manages to combine the adrenaline caused by the many difficult and winding road with the fantastic. I can firmly say that I lived the most beautiful feeling of nature, given the asymmetry of ground-level differences in harmony and wonderful scenery ... ..

If you already decided to embrace this experience I would like some specific details about the opportunity to reach its destination. Therefore to talk a little about herself Transfagarasanul, is a journey, or rather a road that really surprisingly, unites the two main regions - Transylvania -Wallachia. But we can not just about that.

Transfagarasanul has one of the highest altitudes in Europe, which is Caldarea Balea Glacial namely 2024 meters, lies on two lanes with a length of 92 km, and the entire road are 27 viaducts and bridges. Between Capra and Balea is the largest in the country 887 m tunnel that crosses the mountain Paltinul.

If you are still undecided on such trips, I want to tell you a little of what I experienced and saw with my own eyes. This way we went to Brasov to foot Transfagarasan brings itself several objectives that can be addressed this way.

But to return, since the foot Transfagarasan steals over all the splendor of nature, It is amazing how can that be spring at the foot of the mountain top and you get to be snow. As you can live that experience will recommand it to venture on in early July, as you will find enough snow.

Personally when I reached the summit since it was a very gloomy and full of clouds, but the landscape in these conditions the eclipse time, reaching the highest tunnel in Europe I decided to go, and great was our surprise when we came out tunnel, if we have reached to heaven, a true splendor, where words are superfluous, a true romance.

The sun shone most beautiful ever, toasty sunshine every part of your body, and the scenery was incredible, everything was green, light green one, the flowers of spring is the horizon on every ridge and valley. Everything you could do in those moments was to watch, and print your natural beauty in mind.

In conclusion, to answer the question "He deserves so much interest?" From my point of view deserves. And I'm sure any of you that decided to make this trip will be as surprised as me.

So whether you're a tourist and go by car novel, whether a foreign tourist and rent a car with EuroCars from Brasov or rent a minibus from Bucharest, Transfagarasanul is a destination that you did not want to miss. As access roads is fine if you choose Arges - Sibiu, but to stay in the true sense of the word fully satisfied with the route choice Brasov - Arges. Like what you recommend an itinerary for me if it would be in Bucharest-Sinaia-Predeal - Brasov - Fagaras - Arges, Bucharest, and thus covered an area of  tourism in our beautiful country, and then many others remain to be discovered.

If you catch the night on the road, as it happened I can  rent a room at pension  Cabana Balea Lac.

Surrounded on three sides by Balea glacial lake, this hostel is located at 2034 meters above sea level. Pension offers soundproofed rooms with balconies overlooking the Fagaras Mountains.

Cabana Balea Lac in Avrig is located at 77 km from Sibiu,and if you take the road at night you can staying at a hotel in Sibiu. It is situated on the road Transfagarasan and offers a good starting point for hiking to the peaks Negoiu (2535 meters) and Moldoveanu (2544 m).

And finally to make you smile and do not foget to "Explore the Carpathian Garden.

Why should visit Sibiu?

Posted on May 23, 2011

Why should visit Sibiu?

Romania is the land where all relief forms are tied harmoniously: from imposing mountains to the seaside of the Black Sea, from hills and abundantly plains to the Danube delta…not for nothing the country is called “The Land of Choice” in the new touristic slogan.

Although, for the moment, we don’t excel at the infrastucture chapter, any touristic activity will be taken again, because the Romanian tourism is focused pre-eminently above all, on the natural landscapes and amply history.

As a location where to spend your vacation, I would strongly recommend you Sibiu, maybe the well-known city of the country on international plan, thanks to the title of “international cultural capital”, achieved in 2007, beside Louxembourg. This is the indisputable proof  that our country can be proud, both on culture and tourism’s plan.

How to reach  the destination

In terms of transport to Sibiu, there are a lot of options. If you come from Romania or abroad, and you don’t want to waste your time on the road, you have the airplane option: Sibiu’s International Airport is located 5km West from the town, with direct access on the E81 highway.

Through it, direct links are ensured with intern airports ( Bucuresti, Targu Mures, Timisoara) and also international: Germany, Austria, Spain, Greece, Ukraine, Moldavia and Italy.

If you fall into the bohemian type and you are eager for a closer view of the landscape that our country has to offer you have train’s option, which will allow you to save some money and use them for other activities.

For those who cannot separate from the automobile, going by your own car (or a rented one, Rent a Car in Sibiu with EuroCars is very well developed, renting can be made abroad also) is a safe option. European roads passing through Sibiu are E 68 (Arad - Sibiu - Brasov) and E 81 (Cluj - Sibiu - Pitesti - Bucharest). Not even parking lots will be able to overshadow your stay thanks to the 80 locations equipped with a total of 5051 parking spaces.

Regarding housing, the supply is extremely varied, considering the fact that the tradition of hospitality in Sibiu is the oldest in Romania, the first hotel being certified since 1555. It remains up to you to choose the category (comfort level), framing (apartment, cottage, camping, pensions in Sibiu, hotels in Sibiu, motel or guesthouse) and location, and bids will not disappoint you.

In the “must see” category:

- the museums (Sibiu was the cultural capital with a reason): Brukenthal National Museum, Astra National Museum Complex, Evangelical Church Museum, Steam Locomotives Museum.

- Churches: The Orthodox Cathedral, The Evangelical Church, The Catholic Church, The Ursuline Church, The Franciscan Church, The Church of the pit, The Church Of the trees, The Reformed Church, Church of St. Johannis, St. Elizabeth, St. Luke's Church, Church Asylum Cross Chapel, Synagogue;

-  the historic center: historical three markets: Large Square, Small Square, Huet Square, Defensive Towers, The walls of the Citadel;

- recreational areas: Sub Arini Park, Astra Park, Grove Nature Park, Sibiu Zoo (the first zoo in Romania), and for audiophiles is necessarily recommended concert of the  Philharmonic State of Sibiu.


In terms of cuisine, traditional cuisine from this part of the country was influenced by German and Hungarian population. Therefore, in Sibiu are preferred poultry and beef soups with semolina or flour dumplings, homemade noodles, soups meal, cumin or tomatoes soups.

In Sibiu is located the oldest restaurant on the actual territory of Romania, "The Gold Barrel" which is located in the same building in the Stairs Passage since XVI century.

Sibiu offers many options for dining: from selected restaurants to fast food and pizza, it depends  only on the mood you are in.

You have only two things to set: the date and the way in which you want to travel, because Sibiu is eager of tourists to whom showing off his wealth.

Whether you are a fan of hiking or cultural trips or you are simply passing through, Sibiu will make you want to come back anytime!