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Calatoriti in siguranta in Romania ... impreuna cu "juniorii":)

Posted on July 27, 2010

Desi anul acesta este marcat de cuvantul criza, anul 2010 fiind deja sinonim cu acesta, incercati sa puneti siguranta familiei pe primul loc, nefacand rabat de calitate ci urmand sfaturile noastre simple si sigure pentru unicul scop de a va afla in siguranta!

Daca bugetul dvs. este restrans, nu trebuie sa insemne ca vacanta dvs. nu va fi cea pe care vi-o doriti sau de care v-ati bucurat in alti ani. Imaginati-va cum doriti sa fie aceasta si nu va abateti de la aceasta imagine. Cu un gram de simt al planificarii si unele sugestii din partea expertilor, adica echipa EuroCars, veti constata ca va puteti bucura de inca o vacanta de vis.

In acest an, EuroCars este la dispozitia dvs. cu oferte adaptate timpurilor pe care le traim si cu solutii pentru bugetele limitate.

Impreuna cu dvs. putem pune in realizare ideile de vacanta, realiza itinerariul cel mai sigur si astfel, veti economisi bani pe intreaga durata a drumului.

In continuare, cateva sfaturi utile pentru a va ajuta sa incadrati totalul de plata al vacantei in buzunarul de la pantaloni:

Nu uitati înainte de a pleca …

- Planificarea itinerariului, transport, rezervare a biletelor si a hotelurilor se face din timp pentru ca astfel puteti fi asigurati ca ati obtinut cele mai bune preturi, economisind atat timp si bani.

- Rezervarile online va pot uimi prin oferte avantajoase, asfel veti evita diferite comisioane ale agentiilor de turism.

- De asemenea, incercati sa ajungeti in tara recurgand la zboruri cu o companie aeriana low-cost cu aterizare intr-un oras din apropierea destinatiei dvs, in orase precum Cluj sau Timisoara, ofertele sunt mult mai competitive decat Bucuresti, si in plus…

- De asemenea alegeti datele de plecare-sosire in mijlocul saptamanii, astfel veti evita numeroase taxe de weekend

- Calatoriti cu copiii atata timp cat acestia sunt la varsta la care beneficiaza de reduceri …

- Calatoriti cu copiii? Familiile cu copii si studentii beneficiaza adesea de reduceri pentru transport si la punctele de atractie precum intrari la parcuri, muzee care sunt deseori chiar gratuite.

- Pentru solutii mai ieftine de cazare puteti lua in considerare si diferitele locatii de camping din tara.

- Asigurati siguranta copiilor pe durata calatoriei cu masina, prin inchirierea de scaune de copii, care sunt obligatorii pana la varsta de 4-5 ani si chiar indicate pana la varsta de 6 ani.

De retinut:

Copiii sunt in mod evident mai protejati in masini din clasa Compact catre Full-size, care sunt bineinteles si mai spatioase decat cele din clasa mini-economy, permitand manevrarea mai usoara a scaunelului copilului si a lucrusoarelor acestuia.

Nu ezitati sa solicitati informatii care va vor fi utile pe durata sejurului in tara! Nu uitati, o grija in minus este un plus de satisfactie!

Principalele puncte de inchirieri masini oferite de EuroCars Romania sunt: Bucuresti, Aeroportul Otopeni, Aeroportul Baneasa, Cluj, Timisoara, Brasov, Sibiu, Bacau, Iasi, Arad, Oradea, Targu Mures, Constanta, Galati, Ploiesti, Craiova, Sighisoara, Focsani, Piatra Neamt, Suceava etc

O zi placuta in continuare

Latest inventions in the car industry - Continental Sensor System in the new VOLVO XC60 / S60

Posted on July 26, 2010

Imagine a Sunday without Top Gear show on Discovery channel...a PERFECT one! in my case :) Being almost forced to watch this show every time it's on this channel, I realised that I might also find out interesting things, that can increase my knowledge in this ever stunning domain...of CARS! Because this time, I found out a very spicy detail on one of the most famous car brands in the world and also most secure, I believe I can also share to you, our EuroCars' friends.

So, let me tell you about this Continental Sensor System in the new VOLVO XC60. Fancy name :) Let's get serious, and talk about real facts. You might not be surprised to find out that the risk of rear-end collisions is particularly great in city traffic with its constant alternation between braking and accelerating. True! A number of 75 % of the accidents recorded by the police occur at speeds below 30 km/h. It is precisely at these speeds, in slow-moving or “stop and go” traffic, that this sensor system, developed and manufactured by Continental around the Closing Velocity (CV) sensor, reduces the risk of a rear-end collision.

How does it work? Fitted level with the inside mirror in the area cleaned by the windshield wiper, the sensor uses three infrared beams to probe the road up to some six meters in front of the vehicle. In this case, the sensor picks up vehicles which are stationary or traveling in the same direction. If the gap is less than the distance which must be regarded as critical at the current speed, the system causes the brakes to be applied automatically. Pretty clever, huh?

Theoretically, if the maximum speed differential between the vehicles would be of 15 km/h, a rear-end collision would be avoided in most cases. And, at greater relative speeds, the severity of the impact would be considerably minimised. At the same time, the City Safety system optimizes occupant protection by providing additional data to the airbag control unit and triggering the restraint systems as required. Like the front and side airbag initiation sensors, this is also a Continental product.

All clear until now. But let's see what happens when the theory is put into practice. Just today, when I was looking for additional information about this innovating system that had really got me started into promoting this cool stuff from Volvo, I came across an article that totally changed my opinion in this aspect.

Let's see how, at a media event in Sweden, the Swedish manufacturer chooses to show off its latest technology: the new collision detection system on the S60.  Because the theory you already know it: the sensors in the car detect obstacles in the road ahead, applying the brakes to slow or even stop the car before a big crunchy mess occurs.

As you can well see was not a success. What did Volvo said about it? The blame in the failure of the technology was a battery issue which, would have been easily spotted by a human driver. Of course, as they claimed, the collision detection system had also worked perfectly several times before the crash.

Maybe the sensors have failed, but as we can see, if there had been a driver in the driver's seat, he would have been in safety, because the S60's crash structures were effective.

Must recognise that it was a surprise, but still believe that Volvo can put it together, because the safest cars in the world still belong to this Swedish brand!

Calitatea serviciilor de inchirieri masini/rent a car in Romania

Posted on July 22, 2010

Inchirieri masini, rent a car, inchirieri auto, in orice fel ar fi formulat... ideea este una! piata este plina de companii rent a car care te impresioneaza prin preturi cat mai mici si conditii de inchiriere care ar impulsiona pe oricine sa inchirieze o masina chiar si pentru cateva ore.

De retinut! cu cat o companie pare mai atragatoare prin conditii extraodinar de favorabile pentru client, cand aceasta nu solicita garantie pentru inchirierea unei masini, si nu implica un contract serios de inchiriere, va puteti trezi cu "mici" surprize care va pot strica intreaga vacanta pe care ati planuit-o.

Nu este de mirare, ca in orice domeniu, sa existe companii "fantoma", care tin doar sa insele clientii, prin castiguri imediate, si "jafuri" directe la buzunarele acestora, si apoi sa dispara fara urma, lasandu-i pe acestia nedespagubiti si cu un gust amar in urma experientei traite.

Fiti precauti in alegerile pe care le faceti! Cativa euro in plus va pot salva de la dezastru.  Seriozitatea de care dau dovada anumite companii poate fi usor probata de dvs. prin solicitarea mai multor oferte de la diferite companii. In momentul in care primiti oferta, primiti si cateva conditii absolut esentiale pentru inchirierea pe care urmeaza sa o realizati.  In mainile dvs.  sta decizia catre o anumita companie prestatoare de servicii inchiriere auto, aceasta fiind responsabila de calitatea masinii inchiriate, si de disponibilitatea acesteia de a va ajuta in caz de nevoie.

Automat, in momentul in care oferta poate parea chiar ireala, apare si semnul de intrebare:  Cat de serioasa este aceasta? Aici intervine parerea dvs. cu privire la modul in care se prezinta societatea on-line, la diferitele pareri pe care le au fosti clienti ai acesteia despre ea, si bineinteles la modul in care va sunt prezentate serviciile oferite. Transparenta si sinceritatea sunt principalele atribute ale unei companii serioase.

Ce inseamna solicitarea unei garantii pentru inchirierea unei masini? Inseamna ca responsabilitatea dvs. maxima in caz de accident provocat sau nu de dvs.., consta in suma maxima a garantiei, si nimic mai mult. Daca sunteti de acord cu garantia, automat nu puteti fi responsabil de mai mult decat aceasta suma asupra careia v-ati dat acordul de la inceputul inchirierii.

Daca nu va este solicitata garantia, cel mai probabil va este solicitata o taxa de responsabilitate zero (asigurare totala), care acopera eventualele cheltuieli ce pot aparea in urma unei daune a masinii inchiriate.

Daca nu va este solicitata nici una dintre aceste doua conditii deja mentionate, va recomandam sa verificati din nou credibilitatea companiei. Va puteti trezi cu clauze ascunse, de care veti fi responsabil numai dupa ce veti fi victima unui accident.

Castigul a unor euro in plus in urma consultarii anumitor oferte de pe piata, se poate transforma in pierderea a mai mult in cazul unor servicii proaste, unei masini de calitate inferioara si a unor conditii rigide de inchiriere.

Sfatul EuroCars: Informati-va pe cat posibil asupra seriozitatii diferitelor companii care "va fac cu ochiul" prin oferte imbatabile! :)

Tourism in Romania

Posted on July 08, 2010

Tourism in Romania...what can the foreigners you say about our beloved country? If we would pay attention to all the negative sides of our country "promoted" in the media, we would quickly realise that the country isn't, not in a 5% of its value, known by the tourists in its true value.

Yes, if you ask any foreigner where is Romania situated on the map, maybe they might indicate Asia or Africa, but this might be caused, also by the lack of knowledge on Geography, and not entirely by the fact that we are not well promoted out Romania's borders.

From my abroad experience, I can easily affirm that we, Romanians, are known due to several personalities that made history such as: Nadia Comaneci (first gymnast ever to have scored a clean 10 on a global competition), Nicolae Ceausescu (our Communist leader), Gica Hagi (football player) but rarely heard that Romania is known abroad due to its immense beauty of nature.

Fortunately, we can realise that tourism in our country is increasing and this can only be a good thing. Tourism in Romania focuses on the country's natural landscapes, the wilderness of the nature being still visible, and the country's rich history. We hear that the number of tourists is growing every year and that can only make us happy.

Because it's in our best interest to promote the country's real values, here are some unique places that you do not want to miss,  while your are driving a car maybe rented from EuroCars Rent A Car on your trip to Romania:

1. Danube Delta (Romanian: Delta Dunarii) is the second largest river delta in, after the Volga Delta, largest reserve of wet lands in Europe, and the best preserved of all from this continent. In 1990, UNESCO has included the Danube Delta, the newest form of relief from Romania, in the list of World Heritage Sites as biosphere reserve, mainly preserved because it is being kept far away from "the progress of industrialization".

2. The Transfagarasan road or road no. DN7C is the highest and most dramatic paved road in Romania.

Built as a strategic military route, the 90 km of twists and turns run North to South across the tallest sections of the Carpathians Mountains, between the highest peak in the country, Moldoveanu and the second highest, Negoiu.  The road is well known in the region of Transylvania, and connects the cities of Sibiu and Pitesti. In its top, you can eat, there are some good restaurants, we can advice the restaurant situated right next to the lake. Yes, there is also a lake there, it is called Bâlea Lake one of the few glacier lakes in the country, situated at 2,034 m of altitude in the Fagaras Mountains.

So, we have made an introduction on seaside and mountains, let us also present something related to our tradition and religion.

3. The Merry Cemetery is a cemetery in the village of Sapânta, Maramure? county, Romania. Maybe you wonder why it is merry...because it is famous for its colourful tombstones with naive paintings describing, in an original and poetic manner, and sometimes real funny, the persons that are buried and also, in the same funny style, representative scenes from their lives. The Merry Cemetery became an open-air museum and a national tourist attraction. It is worth seeing it!